1. FusionAnalyser
FusionAnalyser is a new graphical, event-driven tool dedicated to the identification of driver fusion rearrangements in human cancer through the analysis of paired-end high-throughput transcriptome sequencing data. Tested on Illumina. Requires short, paired-end sequences.
标签:High-throughput sequencing
2. Gowinda
Gowinda: unbiased analysis of gene set enrichment for Genome Wide Association Studies
标签:Genomics, Genome Wide Association Studies,Population genetics,Population Genomics, High-throughput sequencing
3. CNB MetaGenomics tools
A number of tools and meta-tools developed at CNB/CSIC for the analysis of metagenomics data (some rely on QIIME).
标签:Metagenomics, Biodiversity,Community analysis, High-throughput sequencing
4. DiscoSnp
discoSnps : qualitative de-novo SNP caller. Extremely low memory and time efficient. No reference genome needed. Call both homozygous and heterozygous SNPs.
标签:Population Genomics,Comparative genomics,Barcoding, DNA-Seq, De novo assembly, Genotyping, High-throughput sequencing